When real and virtual worlds meet. Honda Turntable Scanner.
The communication of the turntable and the app was built last auto season, this auto season I was given the project to update content and add new functionality.
With my progression in Unity I’m sticking to doing all my coding in C# where possible. With the flexibility of Unity being able to use any of its supported languages in the same project there were a few UnityScript classes, mostly for the OSC comms, I decided to port any non C# classes over to C# as a nice exercise in progressing my C# skills. This was pretty painless.
The concept for this project was that when standing at the right angle the real and virtual cars would line up, giving an illusion the car has been scanned. Unfortunately in the photos and videos this is not seen.
Worked closely with the 3D artist and a second Unity user who worked on some of the car animations.
Here is a screen capture of the application in action. There are 3 buttons on the fabrication to see the content section of “Clean”, “Safe” and “Fun”. Visitors to the interactive could watch a section in it’s entirety or change part way through. When complete an attractor would run that kept the car hidden.
Unity plugins I used in this project included NGUI (for most of the text on the screen) and AVProQuickTime (for smoother video playback and alpha video).
Here it is in use at the Los Angeles Autoshow. It was then used at other shows including Detroit and (I think) New York.
Very interesting project to work on that I learnt a lot using Unity. Looking forward to more Unity projects!