Spirit Of Anzac Centenary Experience is massive exhibition to commemorate the 100 years of service provided by the ANZACs.
From the video above you can see that it was a huge project that came together through hundreds of hours from many exceptionally skilled people of various backgrounds.
My role was to develop an iPad application that showed the Menin Gate, of which you can read about here – Wikipedia
The app gives the used a 360 degree view inside the gate. It then also let the user scroll through other memorial sites.
It was developed on iPad using AIR and the Starling framework.
It made up part of this area of the exhibition.
I also had a smaller part to play in assisting with the development of another app where people could pivot the app in and old style camera to find more information of those in the photo on the wall.
I have not had a chance to view the exhibition, but it is travelling around Australia and ends up in Sydney in April 2017. If you would like more information on the exhibition you can visit www.spiritofanzac.gov.au.
Once again, thanks to Pete Shand for the photos.